Favourite Photos I Made In 2023

Hey there, You Beautiful Souls!

Swept upon a new season of love stories waiting to be framed, I find myself juggling a whirlpool of emotions. It’s not fear for the end, or running out of steam. It’s rather the wrap-your-mind-around-it kind of disbelief that I get to LIVE this dream every day. Spot on, isn’t it? This industry we share keeps spinning out fresh bouts of creativity and demands us to push beyond.

Every client, every couple acts as a fresh burst of inspiration. They entrust me with their big day, which is like entrusting me with a piece of their soul. You folks are not just clients, you’re architects of this wonderfully thrilling journey I am on. Big shout out to each of you for letting me weave your tales with a mix of you, me, and pure magic!

Still wondering what goes into the photos I post? Each pair of lovebirds isn’t playing dress-up; they are living their very REAL wedding day! Amidst the swirl of laughter, tears, and jitters, I find my aesthetic spirit soaring the highest when I can capture the every day personalities of who these people are every other day when it’s not their wedding day. And when potential clients catch that vibe, they turn out to be the best dance partners in this elaborate ballet of eternal moments.

Now for a drumroll please! As we flip the calendar and welcome 2024, I have something exciting brewing!
It’s early days but there have been countless coffee-fueled nights and scribbled notes. I am eager to carve out a fresh path in the education realm. The plan is to dive back into posting more frequently on my youtube channel and fill it with a whirlwind of educational stuff, right from real-world advice, tips and tricks, to comprehensive mentoring sessions. An all-access pass for those ready to get their creative gears spinning! I’ll also be putting together a bunch of other things like, lightroom presets, album cover templates, client guides for sale and I intend to really push face to face mentoring as well. I love teaching and seeing others be successful. There’ll be an official announcement(s) in the first quarter of 2024

So, here’s to 2024! A toast for new beginnings, heart-pulsing challenges, a current of learning, and above all, a riot of picturesque moments that make our hearts race. Stay tuned, stay wild, and let’s keep capturing the magic together!

December 28, 2023

Alex Szczesniak







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